Wishing all 3rd and 6th Year students the very best of luck in their mock examinations.
St. Dominic’s Space Team Visit the Vatican Observatory
Our St. Dominic’s College NASA/NSS space settlement design team Alison Koci, Alecia Dibu, Lama Elgobashy and Nia Neju and their team mentors Ms.Healy and Ms.Dockery visited the Vatican Observatory “Specola Vaticana”, Castel Gandolfo, on 7th December. The trip was initiated after a Zoom meeting about asteroid composition with Br. Guy Consolmagno SJ, physicist and director […]
TY Trip to the Dáil
On Friday 8th November, all TY students had an action-packed day involving guided tours of both the GPO and the Dáil!
Applications for 2025-2026 now open!
Applications for First Year 2025-2026 are now live. Please click on the link in the article to complete your application online.
Key Conversations Talk for Parents of First Year Students
St. Dominic’s College would like to invite all First Year Parents to a talk from Monica Rowe of Key Conversations on Wednesday 25th September at 7.00 p.m. in Halla Lydia.
Open Evening Wednesday 18th September
St. Dominic’s College Cabra will hold its Open Night on Wednesday 18th September, 6-8pm. We welcome all who are interested to attend.
Return to School Dates 2024-2025
We welcome all our students and staff back to school for an exciting 2024-2025 academic year.
Leaving Certificate Results 2024
We are approaching the start of a huge week for the Class of 2024 with Leaving Certificate Results out on Friday, August 23rd at 10am. Results can be accessed through the Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP).
Junior Cycle Book Scheme 2024/2025
In the academic year 2024/2025 St Dominic’s College will participate in the Junior Cycle Book Scheme, funded by the Department of Education. We ask that Parents and Guardians take time to carefully read the policy in relation to books and stationary covered by this scheme.
Parents’ Association Summer Meeting
In the final week of term the Parents’ Association held their last meeting of 2023/24.
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