🤩 This is the start of a huge week for the Class of 2023 with Leaving Cert Results out on Friday, August 25th at 10am
📌 Results can be accessed through the Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP) which you registered for back in March
📌 To access the Results you will need your Leaving Cert Exam number, your CSSP password and your PPS number
📌 If you haven’t yet registered for the ‘results section’ or if you can’t find your password, make sure you sort that out before Friday as you don’t want to add extra stress on a morning that can already be very stressful for students and parents. The CSSP has reopened to facilitate this ahead of Friday.
➡️ See – https://www.examinations.ie/cssp/2023/ for more information
📱The State Exams Commission (SEC) Candidate helpline will be available at 1800 111 135 or 1800 111 136 from 9am to 5pm. Outside of these hours, queries may be e-mailed to candidateportal@examinations.ie
📌 Also the Leaving Cert 23 Helpline – 1800 265 165 – opens on the 25th of August at 10am. It is manned by qualified guidance counsellors and operates until 6pm every day until 2nd September
📌Finally and most importantly, Year Head, Ms. N. O’Byrne and the two Guidance Counsellors, Ms. A. Lynch and Ms. M. Lynch, will be available in the 3rd Year lunch room at 10am – 11am on Friday 25th and would be delighted to meet you and give any support needed.
🍀 Best of luck to our wonderful class of 2023 🍀