Junior Cycle Mathematics
The aim of Junior Cycle Mathematics is to provide relevant and challenging opportunities for all students to become mathematically proficient so that they can cope with the mathematical challenges
of daily life and enable them to continue their study of mathematics in senior cycle and beyond. Mathematics is studied by all students in first year and classes are mixed ability. In second year classes, students are assigned to either Higher Level or Ordinary Level based on their First year summer Exam. Where the need arises, a designated learning support class will cater for a smaller group of students, at a pace that suits the ability of the class. Classes are timetabled to allow a student to change levels easily. It should be noted that there is no Foundation Level exam in the new Junior Cycle. Students will study five strands of mathematics: Number, Geometry and Trigonometry, Algebra and Function, Statistics and Probability, and the Unifying Strand. Students in 2nd year and 3rd will do a Classroom based Assessment (CBA).
Transition Year Mathematics
Transition Year Maths is designed to be more student-directed than teacher- directed, more project-based than traditional didactic, class-based learning. For example, we emphasise problem-solving techniques by posing different kinds of Mathematical questions, problems, investigations, games and puzzles. The aim is to stimulate their interest and enthusiasm in identifying problems through practical activities.
Solving puzzles involving Logical Reasoning & Spatial Awareness could be one aspect of this. They are encouraged to apply independent problem-solving skills in their attempts to work out strategies to
solve them.
Student-directed project-work and on-going research in an area of interest to the student is presented to the class in poster or Power-point form in class. Pair-work and group-work are encouraged as well as individual work during class. A key aim of Transition Year Mathematics
is to lay a good foundation for the demands of their Leaving Certificate Programme and develop their confidence and independent problem-solving skills here. Students will experience solving basic Mathematical and Algebraic problems, Geometric Investigations as well as working with rules of Indices and expressions/formulae competently. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the importance of Sequences & Patterns and exploring this in various ways, e.g. practically in Tangrams and Tessellations as well as different sequences in Maths and the world around them. For example, how does the natural world use/reflect the Fibonacci Sequence & Golden Ratio? It is hoped that Mathematics is brought more into the realm of everyday life and that students will appreciate its diversity of mathematics and use across the curriculum.
Leaving Certificate Mathematics
The Leaving Certificate Project Maths course is designed to build upon the skills gained at junior level, developing upon students’ ability to investigate through enquiry-based learning and applied problem solving. All students study Mathematics for Leaving Certificate and the subject is offered at ordinary level and higher level. Students will be assigned a level based on their Junior Cycle exam result. Only students that sit Higher Level Junior Cycle mathematics will be considered for a place in a Higher Level Leaving Certificate class. Classes are timetabled so as to allow students to change levels easily. Students will study mathematics strands in Statistics & Probability, Geometry & Trigonometry, Number, Algebra and Functions.
Leaving Certificate Applied
Mathematical Applications for the Leaving Certificate Applied is intended to prepare students for life, work, further education and a world where skills and knowledge require constant updating. The course seeks to consolidate and improve students’ mathematical knowledge, skills and concepts through practical, analytical,
problem solving applications and through integration with other modules. The modules reflect the applied nature of the Leaving Certificate Applied programme. They start with the students’ experiences and seek to raise their enthusiasm for mathematics through the achievements and the skills they develop in dealing with mathematics in everyday life, work and play. Students are encouraged to develop a work ethic where quality, accuracy and dependability are important.