Junior Cycle Geography
All students study geography at Junior Cycle level. The course explores the physical world and how humans interact with it in both positive and negative ways. It develops the students’ knowledge of the world around them through undertaking specific projects that can be presented to the class. It aims to stimulate curiosity, creating opportunities for students to read, analyse, synthesise and communicate about their immediate environment and wider world. It promotes lifelong learning as the world in which they participate is constantly changing. The course also promotes critical thinking and supports students in making informed decisions, developing their ability to make valuable contributions to the economic, social, and cultural life of their communities, localities and countries. Students carry out a CBA in both second and third year and complete an assessment task that accounts for up to 10% of their total marks in the Junior Cycle exam.
Transition Year Geography
This programme, designed by the team of teachers, links to the future. It addresses those areas of study that are not covered in either of the current exam-based syllabi, but which will be of significant relevance when students undertake independent travel. Therefore, the course begins with the fundamental: the study of location – the ‘where in the world’. They progress to examine current case studies of natural and man-made disasters. Finally, they link to the skills required in the Leaving Certificate by undertaking a Fieldwork exercise.
Leaving Certificate Geography
Geography is an optional subject at LC level. It is all about making links, acknowledging the connections between actions and consequences in ways that impact on everyone. It drives students to examine how their actions shape the world. Today’s concern about climate change is one example. The course is very topical and broad allowing students to explore those areas of knowledge and the world that interests them most – the physical world such as mountains, rocks, rivers: the regional differences that exist within Ireland, Europe and Brazil: the issue of migration: the Globalisation of economic activities and the ecology of different climatic regions. In addition, students have the opportunity to complete a fieldwork exercise that accounts for up to 20% of their total marks in the exam.