Mission Statement
Here in St. Dominic’s College, our Physical Education Department are committed to providing learning experiences that will enable our students to achieve a lifelong passion for physical activity, participation and develop an understanding of physical wellbeing.
Junior Cycle Physical Education
An hour-long PE class per week is scheduled for all students from 1st– 3rd year. Physical Education is one of the four pillars that comprises the Wellbeing area of the Junior Cycle curriculum and is embedded with the Junior Cycle Key Skills.
The Junior Cycle PE curriculum is made up of six physical activity areas: Outdoor and Adventure Education; Aquatics; Athletics; Aesthetic Activities; Games and Health-related activities. Students complete a variety of activities throughout the three years. Sport and Physical Activity are vital to health and wellbeing and we strive to ensure that this remains our focus both in lessons and through the encouragement of students to participate in many of the extracurricular activities within our school community.
A sample of the activities covered are as such;
First year– Team challenges, Hockey, Basketball, Rugby, Health-related fitness, Athletics, Rounders and Orienteering.
Second year– Team challenges, Hockey, Badminton, Health-related fitness, Gymnastics, Rounders, Orienteering and GAA.
Third year– Team challenges, Soccer, Dance, Athletics and Health-related fitness, Tag Rugby, Rounders, Orienteering and GAA.
Transition Year Physical Education
A weekly two-hour PE class is scheduled for all students during transition year. This is a multi-sports programme which is designed to give our students an interesting variety of activities, whereby the students will further develop their skills learnt at Junior Cycle and also learn from new sports and activities throughout the year. A key focus of transition year is the ‘PEXpo’. This is a project-based competition which examines the science behind sport and physical activity.
Transition Year Leisure and Recreation
TY students also take part in a ten week module of Leisure and Recreation. Within this module the students participate in a variety of sports and activities that may be available outside of the school and within their locality or community. The students on occasion are brought off-site to use these local facilities or an instructor may visit to offer and introduce a new leisure activity e.g. golf, Zumba, Pilates, Rowing, Swimming.
Leaving Certificate Physical Education
The aim of Leaving Certificate Physical Education is to develop the learner’s capacity to become an informed, skilled, self-directed and reflective performer in physical education and physical activity in senior cycle and in their future life.
LCPE is a new exam subject, which is comprised of 50% Exam and 50% Continuous Assessment. The theory aspect is broken down to two strands: STRAND 1 Towards optimum performance; STRAND 2 Contemporary issues in physical activity. The LCPE learning outcomes are taught through the six physical activity areas: Outdoor and Adventure Education; Aquatics; Athletics; Aesthetic Activities; Games and Health-related activities.
Here in St. Dominic’s College we are delighted to offer this new and exciting subject.
Senior Cycle Physical Education
The aim of the senior cycle physical education framework is to encourage learners’ confident, enjoyable and informed participation in physical activity while in senior cycle and in their future lives.
PE at Senior Cycle is presently available to some students in both 5th and 6th year. An hour PE class is scheduled for these students per week. We encourage participation, fun and skill development through a variety of activities.
The PE programme at senior cycle is designed in line with the six curriculum models: Health-related physical activity; Sport education; Contemporary issues in physical activity; Adventure education; Personal and social responsibility and Teaching games for understanding. It is designed with input from our fifth and sixth year students. Classes can be both teacher or student led. This adds variety, interest and innovation to our classes. It also allows our students to demonstrate and bring their own skills, talents and qualities to lessons, which in turn encourages student leadership.
Leaving Cert Applied Leisure and Recreation
This is a one-year course, which takes place in 5th year. Two modules are taught as part of the curriculum. The first module is based on performance and skill in sport and physical activity. Students focus on a number of sports and physical activities and learn about the rules, skills, progressions, tactics and teaching points.
Module two focuses on health related fitness. Within this module the students learn about the components of fitness- cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition and flexibility. They also learn about how to improve their overall fitness.
Both modules include theory and practical elements and four key assignments are completed in each module.
After School Sports
Hockey and Basketball are our main traditional school sports in St. Dominic’s College. Hockey, Basketball, Gaelic Football, Camogie, Athletics, Get Fit and Badminton clubs are currently available to various year groups each day after school. The school competes in several leagues in different sports and has had huge success throughout the years.
First Year
Term 1: | Sept – Oct | Hockey |
Term 2: | Oct – Dec | Basketball |
Term 3: | Jan – Feb | Gymnastics / Trampolining |
Term 4: | Feb – March | Athletics |
Term 5: | Summer Term | Dance |
Second Year
Term 1: | Sept – Oct | Hockey / Basketball |
Term 2: | Oct – Dec | Badminton |
Term 3: | Jan – Feb | Rowing |
Term 4: | Feb – March | Athletics / Rounders |
Term 5: | Summer Term | Olympic Handball |
Third Year
Term 1: | Sept – Oct | Soccer |
Term 2: | Oct – Dec | Ultimate Frisbee |
Term 3: | Jan – Feb | Tag Rugby |
Term 4: | Feb – Mar | GAA |
Term 5: | Summer | Orienteering |