Our Social Justice Committee formed in 2020 out of concern for what was happening in our country and our world. Each year the committee welcomes new members. The committee meets every second Tuesday with Ms Whelan and Ms Cameron and plan their work. Our corridors are filled with the projects of our Social Justice Committees, past and present. The highlight of the year is always the special Intercultural Day which gives all cultures of our school community a platform.
What is social justice? Social justice is a type of justice rooted in the idea that all people should have equal rights, opportunity and treatment.
Definition of social injustice: Social injustice is when actions are taken that infringe upon a group’s rights, marginalize their opportunities or treat them unfairly.
Why is social justice so important?
- It promotes fairness and equity across many aspects of society. It promotes equal economic, educational and workplace opportunities. It is also important to the safety and security of individuals and communities.
- The absence of social justice results in social oppression. This can be in the form of racism, classism, ableism and heterosexism.
The following strategies promote social justice:
- Concentrate on diversity
- Confront the implications of oppression
- Learn and address the attitudes and behaviours that sustain oppression.
Vulnerable groups include Senior Citizens, The Travelling Community, LGBTQ, the homeless and refugees
Social justice issues can stem from prejudices in areas such as race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, education and mental or physical ability.
Social Issues of concern:
- Voting rights
- Climate justice
- Healthcare
- Refugee crisis
- Homelessness
- Racial injustice
- Income gap
- Gun violence
- Hunger and food insecurity
- Gender equality