In SPHE, we promote physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. SPHE enables students to develop personal and social skills, promote self-esteem and self-confidence, enable studentts to develop a framework for responsible decision making and provides opportunities for reflections and discussion through group work, role play, project work, debates, computer and IT work, online programmes, guest speakers and discussions.
Junior Cycle SPHE
All students partake in a SPHE class from 1st to 3rd year in their base class. There is one period a week of 40 minutes duration. It is a non-exam subject where students develop skills which will enable them to make informed decisions about their health, social development and personal lives, enabling them to make responsible decisions that respect their own dignity and the dignity of others. As part of the junior cycle programme, they learn about self-management, physical health, communications skills, influences and decisions, substance use, personal safety, friendship, relationships and sexuality and emotional health.
Transition Year SPHE
All students in Transition Year receive a ten-week module in the subject area of SPHE. Each module consists of ten classes. Classes are of mixed ability. Here they develop their positive thinking, self esteem, how to deal with stress, conflict, emotions, listening skills, addictions and relationships and sexuality. As well as that, students learn to set realistic goals in Transition Year and this is reflected at the end of their 10 week module, in order to maintain their focus in 4th year.
Leaving Certificate Applied Social and Health Education
As part of the Leaving Certificate Applied students undertake a two year programme of Social and Health Education with 6th years completing a task and written examination for their Leaving Certificate.
Senior Cycle SPHE
Senior Cycle SPHE is an extension of Junior Cycle SPHE but with a more mature approach in content. RSE (Relationship and Sexuality Education) is an integral part of the SPHE Senior Cycle programme as well as Gender studies, Nutrition and Self-Management for options into their career choices.