Home Economics in St. Dominic’s
In St. Dominic’s College we have four specialist Home Economics rooms: two modern kitchens and two sewing rooms.
Home Economics is extremely popular at both levels and results are always excellent. Junior cycle students particularly enjoy baking items such as cupcakes, scones and cookies and cooking meals such as spicy beef fajitas, spaghetti bolognese, various soups, and chicken curry and rice.
The Design and Craftwork element at Junior Cycle is also very popular; students make items such as pencil cases, hand embroidery, laundry bags, framed cross stitch pictures. Examples can be seen below.
Home Economics as a Subject
Home Economics aims to develop students’ knowledge, attitudes, understanding, skills and values to achieve optimal, healthy and sustainable living for every person as an individual, and as a member of families and society. Students develop practical food and health literacy skills so that they are enabled to adopt a healthy lifestyle and make informed decisions that positively impact their health and well-being as individuals as well as within their families and society. Home economics nurtures students’ resourcefulness, innovation, adaptability, and competency as consumers. It develops students’ creative design and textile skills. Home economics develops students who are environmentally conscious and dedicated to a sustainable and responsible way of life.

Home Economics Department
From Left to Right: Áine Edgely, Deirdre Brilly, Hilda Hogan, Marguerite McGowan and Niamh O’Byrne
Subjects within Home Economics Department:
Click on the links below to see more information
Home Economics is relevant to a diverse range of career paths. Career opportunities can be found with community health organisations such as government health departments, the food industry, local councils, health promotion and nutrition agencies, consumer advocacy, counselling, family and social work organisations.
For more information about the Home Economics course, go to: