School will begin for students as per the schedule below.
Each year group will follow the same procedure on entrance to the school.
1. Each year group will return on a separate day in line with advice given to us by our managerial body.
2. Students will enter through the student entrance on one side and register with the Admin staff.
We ask students to bring their Attendance Swipe Card in on that day. First years will be given their card on their first day.
3. Students will have a socially distanced assembly outdoors in the courtyard weather permitting, or indoors in our very large Library spaced 1m apart with their year group to meet their Year Head, Tutors, Deputy Principals and Principal.
4. They will then proceed to smaller class groups where they will be seated 1 metre apart to go through Covid safety protocols in our school with their tutors. This session will communicate the school’s expectations around safety protocols that we have put in place.
5. A full teaching school day will begin for all on Monday 7th September 2020.
Further details are available in the document parents were sent by email about going back to school. See a copy here.