Student Council Members 2023-2024

4th March 2020
Canteen Food Tasting and Inclusive School Art Project
This Wednesday we met with the owner and chef of Glanmore Foods, the company that supplies the food for our school’s canteen. During this meeting we had a taster of the foods given to us at the canteen currently, along some new lunch options. We tried:
- The chicken korma/curry
- Burritos
- Chicken/ vegetable soup
- Lasagna with garlic bread
- Pizza baguette
- Pasta with meatballs.
All of the food was really tasty and Glanmore Foods are going to send us a menu soon. Then we will decide on the lunches for the school’s canteen. In this meeting we were informed that the food served in our canteen is made from organic, fresh food with no additives or MSG. Each year group will be given feedback by their Student Council representatives about the meeting, with more information, by next week.
Lastly today we made a start on our Art project, with the help of one of our Art teachers, Ms. Armstrong, on an “Inclusive School”. Our project is about embracing diversity in our school. This week we are going to start the sketch of the art on the walls and next Wednesday, six Student Council members will meet to begin the painting after school.
Please feel free to speak to your Student Council year representative if you have any suggestions or inquiries.
Thank you,
Student Council.
1st February 2020
New Constitution and Student Council Training
The Student Council has been quite active as of late. We feel it is important for our fellow students to be involved with and aware of what we are doing to improve the school. Here are some of the things we have kicked 2020 off with so far:
- We have written up the official constitution.
- We had a training day with Rob from ISSU (Irish Second Level Students Union) in which we learned about how to manage our tasks and go about improving the school.
Currently we are working on the following:
- An art project that promotes inclusivity and equality.
- We are working on the clarity of the rules and trying to improve them as best we can for everyone.
- We have planned a meeting with Ms Cameron to talk about our ideas in the next few weeks. We are also hoping to attend a meeting with the Board of Management and the Parents Association to discuss ideas and projects.
- Finally, we have a menu taster planned in the next few weeks to improve the school’s canteen options.
If you have any recommendations or concerns you are welcome to come to your year’s Student Council representative. If you are unsure of who your representatives are, there is a list by the student entrance.
Thank You!