What years did you attend St Dominic’s College?
What did you do straight after your time in St Dominic’s College?
Third level study
What are you doing now?
If you went on to third level education, where did you study? Please name the college, university or institution.
Bray Institute of Further Education
What subject(s) did you study and what was your qualification (i.e. Diploma, BA, etc)?
Level 5 Nursing/Midwifery Studies

Can you describe your course in a little detail? How many years did it take? Was it difficult? Were you able to work while you studied? Were there placements?
It was a one year course that consisted of 8 modules. It was easy enough once you got into a routine. Placement is involved but you do need to find it yourself. I worked 4 days while being in college for 3 days. I was able to do this because work experience got cancelled. It was hard to juggle but I managed.
Did you enjoy college and would you recommend it to others? What were the pros and cons of your course?
I did enjoy. It was a lil different this year but I still managed to make friends within the course.
Do you have advice for any of our students who might be interested in your subject or course?
Be prepared for assignments and write out notes as the topics are being taught.
Would you be happy for current students to contact you with questions about your career / college / course choice?
Yes – I’m happy to answer emails directly from current students
What are your achievements, prizes or high points since you’ve left school?
Nothing really happened after leaving school, well until the leaving cert results. Disappointment being the prominent feeling that day, ready to burst into tears. But it was ok, I was ok(eventually). After not receiving a college offer at round 2, I paid my entry fees for my plc course. Started a Nursing course in September 2020 and got a job that same December. Working 4 days a week while in college for 3 days a week. I was a busy girl. But I learned to cope. Now finished the course, I hope to go on to study Midwifery in either the UK or Ireland, whichever will accept me. I’m excited to start that chapter!