What years did you attend St Dominic’s College?
What did you do straight after your time in St Dominic’s College?
Employment & Third level study
What are you doing now?
Cardiac Physiologist

If you went on to third level education, where did you study? Please name the college, university or institution.
Technological university Dublin ( formally DIT)
What subject(s) did you study and what was your qualification (i.e. Diploma, BA, etc)?
BSc Hons Clinical Measurement Science
Can you describe your course in a little detail? How many years did it take? Was it difficult? Were you able to work while you studied? Were there placements?
It was a 4year degree course. First and second year we’re mainly focused on physics and anatomy and physiology. Third and fourth year were predominantly placement. In third year you pick 3/4 disciplines ( cardiology, respiratory, vascular, neuro). In fourth year you then pick one as a major and one as a minor and carry out placement in your major. The job involves diagnostic tests of the body and is very patient focused we perform ECGs, exercise stress tests, echocardiograms, pacemaker checks, we are also in the cath lab monitoring the patient throughout for coronary angiograms. Respiratory includes pulmonary function tests, muscle pressure tests, CPETs and sleep studies. Vascular involves ultrasound of different arteries of the body. Neuro includes performing EEGs and nerve conduction studies.
Did you enjoy college and would you recommend it to others? What were the pros and cons of your course?
I really enjoyed college the course is a small course with approx 30 in the course so we all got along really well and had a good relationship with all our lecturers. Pros are the end goal, the social aspect, placement. Cons are in first year you feel like it is not really related to the end job as they are teaching you the basics of the machines and the human body but perseverance pays off and the job is worthwhile.
Do you have advice for any of our students who might be interested in your subject or course?
Contact the head of the course or department they can provide so much knowledge and are so happy to answer questions and different routes into the course.
Would you be happy for current students to contact you with questions about your career / college / course choice? (Check any that apply)
Yes – I’m happy to answer emails directly from current students
What are your achievements, prizes or high points since you’ve left school?
I am currently working as a cardiac physiologist in Tallaght hospital. The summer I left at Dominics I went to Africa volunteering in hospitals and orphanages. I also spent a summer travelling America.