Well, Transition Year 2019 has taken off! Our TY students have started to settle down to the opportunities and challenges of a very different educational experience. On Friday 23rd August they were introduced to the year, signing their Commitment to Work page and learning about their new subjects and modules. This year, as well as continuing with most of our very successful modules from last year, e.g. Sport & Recreation, Chinese and Russian, we are also involved in exciting new modules e.g. Philosophy and Public Speaking!
The students are now looking forward to their trip to the Carlingford Adventure Centre on Thursday 12th and Friday 13th Sept with great anticipation. Their rain gear and wellies are being packed (as well as the sun cream!) so that they arrive on time at 8.15 for early assembly. The trip to Carlingford helps students bond, to get to know each other, gaining insight into group tasks and activities, and working together to solve challenges.
A week after Carlingford, all TY students head to Co. Carlow, to the Ploughing Championships. What an action-packed year – we are only in September!!