Have you ever wondered what our past pupils study after they leave St Dominic’s College? We have a wealth of experience in our alumni community. Our students attend a huge variety of third level institutions, as well as following a diversity of career paths. We have launched a new online Past Pupils Questionnaire as a way to get in touch with our past pupils. We are asking them to share some of the wisdom they have picked up in the years since they have left us. We hope that this shared knowledge will help our current students in their journey towards deciding what to do after they leave St Dominic’s College.
The link to the questionnaire is below. If you are a past pupil, please take a moment to fill it out. If you have a daughter, niece, friend or other relative who went to St Dominic’s College, we would appreciate if you would share this with them too.
Tishé Fatunbi attended St Dominic’s College between 2014-2020. She went straight into third level study after sixth year. She was awarded a prestigious Ad Astra Performing Arts Scholarship to University College Dublin, where she has just completed her first year in Psychology.
We are very grateful to Tishé for answering the Past Pupils Questionnaire for us. A number of other past pupils have also taken part in the survey so far. If you would like to join them and add your own experiences and details, the link is here. Please forward this on to anyone you know who might be interested in taking part.
Text link: https://forms.gle/QVxn4iajxgk8rK7P9