Image credit: Tshirt Superstar
The following is a letter to parents and guardians from the Parents’ Association:
Dear Parents/Guardians,
On behalf of the Parent’s Association, I would like to say the biggest thank you for your continued support of the School, and hence a further better education of our daughters and their better future. Without your help, we would not be able to contribute to and finance very valuable events such as guest speakers, school tours and programs. We also provide financial help in buying necessary equipment, educational material and much more.
It finally feels like spring with summer just around the corner.
While changing from winter to spring/summer wardrobe we thought to help our School while decluttering our houses, by organizing CASH FOR CLOBBER on the morning of 8th May 2019.
The “Cash for Clobber” scheme is run in conjunction with Eco-Schools Northern Ireland, that aims to teach school children, community groups, sports organizations, etc, the environmental and social benefits of recycling while raising significant valuable funds for themselves. The scheme is run under Cookstown Textile Recyclers (CTR) that has been in operation since 1992, with one of the most efficient recycling facilities in Europe. CTR is helping to recycle thousands of unwanted clothing, shoes and household items from Irish and British public every year, which then re-used in the developing nations of Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe.
By organizing CASH FOR CLOBBER we are not only helping our school but also much in need developing countries and the environment.
We are kindly asking you during this time when winter/summer wardrobes/drawers/cupboards being sorted to bag them in the loft and to donate them to the School on the 8th May (time in the morning to be confirmed).
We will greatly welcome all your clean unwanted re-usable clothes also bed linen, towels, curtains, paired shoes, handbags, and belts.
On the collection, day bags will be collected by CTR in the afternoon, with a payment made to the Parent’s Association for every kilogram collected.
When our girls will be graduating from the School, they will start a new chapter in their lives, so let’s make this chapter brighter and happier by helping our school NOW!
Chairperson Zoya Ralph, On behalf of the PTA